The benign neglect, integrationist, and paternalistic reforms have accomplished very little, have been symbolic, and lack the legal, and political power to be meaningful. These Reconstruction and Civil Rights Era policies lack the legal and political power to be truly meaningful. The policies are outdated and have backfired. Instead of giving a voice to those Foundational Melanated Americans who self-identify as Aboriginal or U.S. Foundational Afro-descendants they actually strengthen Euro-American dominance. These Reconstruction and Civil Rights Era reforms not only failed but were rescinded, backfired, and have made those who self-identify as Aboriginal or U.S. Foundational U.S. Afro-Descendant Peoples worse off.
The Reconstruction and Civil Rights Era Reforms amounts to surface change while the Euro-American power structure and parasitic relationship remain unchanged. In researching international, human rights, and humanitarian laws, the Pendo Center for Human Rights and Self-Determination understands that those who identify as Aboriginal or Foundational U.S. Afro-Descendant Peoples have an international case where Congress and the U.S. Court system are the defendants. Foundational melanated peoples who self-identify as aboriginal or Foundational U.S. Afro-descendants are entitled to immediate reparations, guarantees of non-repetition, immediate release of political prisoners, immediate authority transfers, immediate land, cultural, and biological property partitions. Join me on 3-13-2022 at 11:30 am for a very important meeting. You are invited to become a member of a steering committee and play a role in a tribunal that establishes compensation, land, and property rights
claims. If you wish to join please email Elaina at or send a message via